Ivan snajdar doing routine exercise
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Welcome to
Superior Athlete A.I.

Achieve incredible results based on the principles of sports science,
the latest technology and the accumulated experience.

Join us

App features

Specialized and customizable training program, whether you are a professional athlete or strength training enthusiast.



Training Variations


Statistic measurments


Why you should train with our product

Many of you don't have the time or the will to educate yourself and then create a good strength training program personalized just for you.

You would rather find an experienced trainer who uses sports science knowledge and has expertise in applying that knowledge to strength training who will do it for you. Unfortunately, nowadays there are not many trainers who have this approach and that is why it is very difficult to find such an expert. Usually these coaches charge a lot for their services and you should be lucky that they have a place for you in their schedule.

Superior Athlete A.I. is the solution that will eliminate all of those problems.

Using the latest technology in the Superior Athlete A.I. App you can achieve incredible results based on the principles of sports science, even in the absence of an experienced trainer. Superior Athlete A.I. will guide you through the process helping you achieve your desired goals.

Training type athletic performance

Athletic Performance

Athletic performance training is an approach to training that helps athletes achieve their desired performance goals. It is designed to improve your fitness level for the purpose of improving your ability to perform a given sport.

Training type powerlifting


Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Training type powerbuilding


Powerbuilding is a combination of two training methods, powerlifting and bodybuilding. It blends the raw strength-building potential of powerlifting with the quest for visual enhancement that characterizes bodybuilding.

Training type superior athlete performance

Superior Athlete Performance

Superior athlete performance training is for those who want to be an all-round athlete. The goal of this type of training is to achieve a well-rounded fitness level that includes strength, endurance, agility and power. This means shifting from a single focus on one fitness component to focusing on two or more fitness components at the same time.

Planned protocol

Planned Protocol

The planned training protocol provides you with a personalized and well-planned training cycle where the volume and intensity of the training are set just for you. Everything is so well organized that it is hard enough but there are no bad days. If you follow the guidelines you will always be set up for a good workout.

Autoregulatory protocol

Auto Regulatory Protocol

In the auto regulatory training protocol, you will always look for your daily maximum in a certain effort. Your training intensity and training volume will be adjusted according to your daily capabilities. This is probably the most personalized and accurate training protocol you can do.

Powerlifting competition protocol

Powerlifting Competition Training Protocol

The powerlifting competition training protocol has 3 training phases ACCUMULATION PHASE (4 week period) TRANSMUTATION PHASE (4 week period) REALIZATION PHASE (1 - 4 week period). The period of the realization phase depends on your preferences such as body weight, strength level, etc

Sport season protocol

Sport Season & Sport Off-Season Training Protocol

These protocols are made for competitive athletes. You will be able to choose the dates and determine the importance of the competition/match, and based on that, the Superior Athlete AI will create training sessions for you to achieve incredible results in your sport.

Ultimate beginner protocol

Ultimate Beginner Protocol

The ultimate beginner's training protocol is for those who have not had experience with strength training or those who have not trained for a long time and do not know their current maxes and what their work capacity is now. The protocol is composed of a 4 week block during which you will learn how to perform the main lifts. During that period Superior Athlete AI will learn something about you and your capabilities and guide you to a more serious training protocol.


You need a training program tailored just for you

Tell us about your gender, age, height, weight... etc. We offer you four types of training programs, and you should decide which of them suits you best.

After that, you will be asked to choose between various periodization methodologies depending on your personal preferences. Tell us about your goals and the training program will be adjusted according to the composition goal you have chosen.

Superior Athlete AI learns something about you and your goals. Based on this, we will offer you the exercises that will best suit your needs. Select them based on your preferences and equipment available in your gym.

Start training

Based on your information we will provide training for you.

In order to have the best possible training experience, you should fill out the daily questionnaire, because your training intensity and volume depend on it. By clicking on the name of the exercise, a window will appear in which you will receive information about the exercise itself. You will be able to change some of those exercises during the training. During the training, you will always be able to find out about everything that interests you by clicking on the menu button or the option button.

How to step, start training
How to step, start training

Monitor and improve your progress

The App will continue tuning your training program from session to session

You will be able to tweak and track every part of your training and monitor your statistics as well.

Would you like to try out Our app?Start your 14 days trial today